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I applied to film school not knowing exactly what I wanted to do. But before immersing myself into film, I was a writer. Initially, I wanted to study the art of novel writing, but slowly I shifted towards screenplays. It wasn’t enough to have words stay on a page, so I decided to take the leap and try to have my stories come to life in films for everyone to see. It was the most exhilarating and nerve wracking decision to make, but in combining both the excitement and fear, I’ve had the amazing opportunity to write and direct stories important to me and those around me.


The subject matter I gravitate towards in my writing involves themes of people thriving against loss and heartbreak in their lives. I’m interested in exploring the most vulnerable and intimate experiences that a human being could possibly face and create a call for empathy in my films. My films are created to connect people of all ages and backgrounds on a deeper level with one another. 


Filmmaking has encouraged me to go out and explore the world with my own eyes, observe its beauty, capture its various stories and understand its deepest sufferings. My ambition is to become a respected filmmaker so that I can share my stories with the entire world. I want to be free of limitations, learn, and produce work. My films motivate me and give me the passion for following this wonderful ambition.

alongside directing, sasha spends most of her time on set as a 1st assistant director.

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